Hi there, stranger!

My name is Wiktor. I’m a Quality Engineering expert with over eight years of experience in the IT industry.

This website is my personal blog, where I write about engineering, quality, automation, data science, and other topics I’m interested in.

Personally, I am an enthusiast of an active lifestyle, so if I’m not currently training my brain cells in front of a computer, you’ll probably find me working out at the local gym or on a walk with my dog Gofer (in English: Waffle).

My life aspiration at this point is to systematically create things - software, articles, DIY projects, and others. The transition from consuming content to creating content is my main hurdle at the present time.

If you wish to come with me on this journey, I encourage you to follow me on Linkedin or Twitter. I don’t post there often. Usually, it’s just a notification about a new article or a project retrospective.

Thanks again for visiting. I hope to see you again. Don’t be a stranger anymore!

Take care!
